John Lewis驗廠咨詢,IATF16949認證約翰—路易斯驗廠要求
John Lewis
John Lewis(約翰—路易斯)是最大的百貨商店,在牛津街商業(yè)區(qū)和購物中心里都有它的分店。從1864年在倫敦牛津街開辦第一家店鋪算起,約翰—路易斯百貨店已有150年的歷史,至今生意興隆,業(yè)績不錯。目前,約翰—路易斯從蘇格蘭東北部到英格蘭西南部共開設(shè)了25家分店,固定職工4萬人,銷售50萬種商品,年銷售額接近40億英鎊(約合60多億美元)。 約翰—路易斯做時裝、化妝品、童裝和家具等。里面的窗簾布很受歡迎,就是那種小碎花款式,典型的英國風格。受歡迎的原因除了品質(zhì)好之外,買回家后,掛在窗明幾凈的廚房,當午后陽光透過John Lewis的窗簾布灑落在你身上時,“家”的味道特別強烈吧!
很多人留意這家英國老牌百貨公司John Lewis是因為它的最新的一部廣告片。90秒長的廣告,以一件紅色衣服為線索,巧妙地展示了一個平凡女人從出生、襁褓、學步、上學、成長、結(jié)婚、生子、變老的情景。意在展示John Lewis恒久不變的優(yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)
Every corporation in the world will make advertisements for their goods or services, since advertisement plays an important role in marketing in the company, but they do not illustrate in the same way, not to say the meaning they want to express. However, no matter what the advertisement tells to the customers, the core of it is the reputation, or the brand of the product and the company itself. Advertisement is a bridge for customers to get to the products and services, so, whether the advertisement is attractive or not, it will impact directly on the products and services. In this pape, I would like to say something about advertisement in John Lewis.
Ⅰ. Brief Introduction of John Lewis
As we all know, John Lewis is the biggest and most comprehensive shopping mall in London, UK. It was founded in 1864. with a history of 138 years, during which had great performance. By now, John Lewis has opened 25 branches from the northeast part of Scotland to the southwest part of England. There are 40.000 employees and 500.000 kinds of goods for sale in John Lewis, whose revenue gets almost pounds, that is more than dollars. Among most of the goods, John Lewis is quite special in fashion, cosmetics, children’s clothes and furniture. One example of that is the curtain cloth, which is typical in England. Besides the good quality of their goods, one of the other reasons why their goods are so popularis perhaps they can give a feeling of “home”.
Ⅱ. Advertisement in John Lewis
In John Lewis, it is Marketing’s task to persuade people to spend all their money and time in the shopping mall. Traditionally, John Lewisdid not use any marketing strategy, they just open the door and welcome their customers to have a visit. However, the reality is that it is not the case. John Lewis does very competitive markets, which can diffierentiate itself from their competitiors. John Lewis will provide campaigns according to the festivals and the local customs. Here is an example of the Christmas campaign.
Last year was a recession year for John Lewis . In the recession, the annual budget for marketing has been cut by 25%, so Goose, the leader of the marketing department,decided to gamble on a new advertisement company called Adam & Eve, whichis run by James Mercy.
On their first meeting, James expressed his idea of the advertisement, which is called “the dreamed Christmas”. People will look for presents to their loved ones with less money but really special. So he let a woman who is sleeping bed dream about the presents she wants, and whatever presents occurs in the dream,people can find them in John Lewis. After explanation, Goose was quite interested in the idea of “dream”, but not the way James executed.
So,after months of hard work, James came up with another way of expression of the Christmas campaign. When people give the great gift, they also want to give someone great feelings. So James designed series of beautiful portraits for children. Each child holds a product which is really designed for grown-ups. For instance, one girl is wearing a colourful necklace which might belongs to her mother, and one boy is using a laptop in his father’s study and another is playing with a digital camera.
關(guān)于DFMEA:DFMEA表單從了解系統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)開始。在將設(shè)計分解為系統(tǒng)、子系統(tǒng)和組件之后,在表單中描述了焦點元素,下一個更高級別和下一個更低級別。提供了在完成DFMEA之前支持結(jié)構(gòu)分析的工具的額外說明(框圖,結(jié)構(gòu)樹)。利用結(jié)構(gòu)樹、方塊圖 / 邊界圖等工具使結(jié)構(gòu)可視化,并描述分析范圍;
長沙湘潭C-TPAT/GSV驗廠的標準內(nèi)容 株洲衡陽IATF16949認證審核流程
長沙湘潭C-TPAT/GSV驗廠的標準內(nèi)容 株洲衡陽IATF16949認證審核流程一. 安全管理系統(tǒng)1)有否專人負責保安裝備事宜? 如有,請?zhí)峁┤嗣奥?lián)系電話。必須履……
本文標題:John Lewis驗廠咨詢,IATF16949認證約翰—路易斯驗廠要求